Course Introduction
The One Day Combined Cyanide & Oxygen Course under the Special Hazard Regulations is appropriate for those First Aiders who work in any environment where Cyanide or its compounds are used.
The Oxygen element of the course is important as this is the only HSE recognised method of treatment for suspected cyanide poisoning.
Engaging with Interesting anecdotes, tutor put you at ease and I didn’t feel pressured on the practical element, which people have found on other courses in the past – Sheffield 2022
Additional Information
Cyanides are widely used in modern industry, but industrial poisoning is rare owing to stringent safety precautions during manufacture and handling of products.
Our new course consists of 2 Parts. Once registered on the course candidates will be able to download a copy of the multiple choice test paper for Cyanide and Oxygen.
Once completed they should send their completed form for the attention of the Chief Assessor at P.F.E. First Aid Training Services Ltd.
Candidates need to have booked and paid for the course with P.F.E. First Aid Training Services Ltd prior to submitting the theory assessment.
This completes Part 1 of the course. Part 2 of the course involves a 2hr on-site session for updating CPR skills and the use of oxygen equipment. Ideally Part 2 should follow Part 1 within 6 months (max) of having completed Part 1.
Our minimum charge is based on 4 candidates attending for In-House courses i.e. on your site.
The cost is £210 plus VAT per person or £840 plus vat per course with 4 or less candidates attending.
The cost includes training notes and certification and reminder service.
Certificates are valid for 3 years

The price also includes the cost of the course Handbook
During the course you will find yourself in a friendly environment where rather than be spoken at you will be involved in a discussion-style environment that lends itself just as much to what the Instructor can tell you as to what knowledge and life experiences you bring to the course as well.
With 0ver 30 Years of experience – you’re in the safest of hands.
PFE have done away with the starched regimented approach to First Aid Instruction and instead provide a happy meaningful environment where “shared” learning and experiences can come together to underpin the factual knowledge required to become a First Aider.
Each tutor and assessor is individually assessed and evaluated in terms of their delivery by you the candidate, so while we are running courses all over the UK you will be our eyes and ears into assisting us with our quality control delivery.