Course Introduction

The A.E.D. Course (Automated External Defibrillator) is suitable for those First Aiders who have access to an A.E.D. in the workplace and need to be competent in using this type of equipment.

A.E.D.’s increase the likelihood of successful intervention and successful outcome for casualties who have a heart attack outside of a hospital environment.

Probably the best refresher course I have done – excellent – Wakefield 2022

Additional Information

The course can be run as a stand alone half day course for First Aiders already qualified and competent in undertaking C.P.R. (2hrs) or for those also needing to use an AED but who have not been previously trained in CPR (4hrs). The course is repeated every 6 months ideally, but should be repeated within a maximum of 12 months.

AED training is part of the standard syllabus for FAW and EFAW training and is included in these courses. Candidates attendng these courses will automatically be shown how to use and AED and have ample time for practice.

Where large numbers of personnel are required to be trained we will negotiate a discounted price.

We will not be beaten on price we will match or undercut any bona fide HSE / HSEA approved training quotation in the U.K.

Our minimum charge is based on 6 candidates attending for In-House courses i.e. on your site.

The above costs include training notes and certification and reminder service.

Cost Per Person – £45.00 (if already qualified) OR £55.00 (if not already qualified)

Minimum attendance is based on 6 candidates attending

In House (Min Charge) Cost – £270.00 / £330.00

The price also includes the cost of the course Handbook

During the course you will find yourself in a friendly environment where rather than be spoken at you will be involved in a discussion-style environment that lends itself just as much to what the Instructor can tell you as to what knowledge and life experiences you bring to the course as well.

With 0ver 30 Years of experience – you’re in the safest of hands.

PFE have done away with the starched regimented approach to First Aid Instruction and instead provide a happy meaningful environment where “shared” learning and experiences can come together to underpin the factual knowledge required to become a First Aider.

Each tutor and assessor is individually assessed and evaluated in terms of their delivery by you the candidate, so while we are running courses all over the UK you will be our eyes and ears into assisting us with our quality control delivery.

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